Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

What is Acupuncture 

Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into the skin in the attempt to bring about balance to the Qi (energy) of the body. An energetic pathway system of the body, known as the Meridians interconnect with the organs, systems and cells of the physical body. By balancing and enhancing the flow of Qi throughout the Meridian system, this ensures the body is receiving the energy and vitality it needs to function optimally. Depending on your symptoms the acupuncture needles are inserted along particular points along the affected meridian and specially selected points to harmonise the flow of Qi where needed.

What you can expect in an Acupuncture treatment

  • During an Acupuncture treatment you may experience sensations such as a mild dull ache, itchiness, heaviness or a sensation, you may not even feel much at all

  • Treatment time can vary, ranging from 20 mins – 45mins

  • Tuning Forks may also be used in cases of fear of needles and children

  • Press stud needles – A tiny, short intradermal needle on an adhesive tape

  • Acupuncture may be a stand alone treatment

  • Acupuncture may be part of a Mind, Body and Spirit Medicine Session

Acupuncture may assist:

  • Pain relief

  • Muscle-skeletal

  • Joint pain/ arthritis

  • Digestive disorders

  • Fertility

  • Women’s health and pregnancy care

  • insomnia

  • Stress/Anxiety/ depression

  • Headaches and migraines

  • and much more….

Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese Herbs | Vitamin & Mineral Supplements | Bush Flower Essences

Chinese herbal medicine is unique as it takes a holistic and individualised approach to health. A herbal prescription will be tailored based upon your pattern of disharmony, and bodies constitution. Administration of Herbs can come in a few different forms, for your convenience I primarily work with patent pill formulations and in some cases granulated herbs and honey pill form. In some cases, vitamin and mineral supplementation may also be prescribed if deficiencies are present. Renee sources all of her herbs and supplements  from reputable companies such as China Med, Panaxea and Emperical AAA Herbs and Metagenics to suit your personal needs and lifestyle. 

I use mostly plant, mineral, flower and Food therapy and occasionally animal products if and when necessary. Please inform me if you are vegetarian, vegan or have food intolerances.

Vibrational remedies such as  Australian Bush flower essences may also be prescribed. These remedies work on a very subtle and energetic level. Australian bush flower essences are a wonderful adjunct to support you on a mental and emotional level. Fantastic for children too. 

What conditions does Chinese Herbal Medicine and integrative medicine treat?

  • Insomnia and fatigue

  • Loss of appetite and common digestive disorders

  • Constipation and diarrhoea

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Common cold and influenza

  • Chronic headaches

  • Skin disorders

  • Fluid retention

  • Anxiety, depression and stress

  • Infertility

  • Pain and inflammation

  • Stress

  • Depression and Anxiety 

  • and much more…

  • Health fund rebates available