Sacred Seasons & Meridian Medicine 

Holistic Health Mentorship Programs

As a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Holistic Healer, I am passionate about empowering others with the knowledge and tools for overall well-being and self-healing.

connection with the self and the earth’s natural cycles.

I feel a significant aspect of healing arises from developing a healthy connection with the self and the earth’s natural cycles; and it is with this intention that my 3 Month programs journeying through each sacred season has been developed, to share each season's medicine and wisdom with you. 

The seasonal based Mentorship programs explores health and healing through understanding the function of our meridian system (energy channels) coupled with the medicine and self care practices and rituals of each season. Combining & utilising the ancient wisdom of earth-centered practices, mindfulness techniques, metaphysical principles and the eastern philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Through our meridians, a bridge of communication and right relationship can begin to develop and synchronise between our inner and outer worlds. Each meridian aligns and resonates with the natural forces, elements and seasons of nature; this life force energy is absorbed, and transported throughout the entire meridian system, providing our organs, and entire being with vital life force/energy.

The more we can understand, consciously connect and work with these natural forces of energies, the more empowered & equipped we can become, to be able to wield and harmonise the flow and function of our organs and meridian system, and ultimately support and enhance our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

In these Seasonal programs we will explore:

  • Working with and calling in the medicine and resonance of the current season 

  • A holistic overview of the functions of the Yin and Yang organs & corresponding Meridian’s associated with the current season

  • Guided Shamanic Journeys through these organs/Meridians 

  • How to harmonise and work in right relationship with the elements and natural rhythms of nature 

  • Tools and tips to support to assist you in healing and learning to Alchemise energetic distortions on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level 

  • Self reflection rituals and practices/ Journal work

What’s included:

  • 1:1 online session with me ( in the beginning of the 3 month Journey) 

  • 1 x Meridian Medicine workbook

  • 1 x Seasonal workbook journal 

  • 6 x 2hr fortnightly group Zoom meetings

  • Private Facebook group support space 

  • 1 x recorded Guided meditations created by Renee

Let’s Work Together

Are you interested in learning about the unique medicine of each Sacred Season? Interested in learning about Traditional Chinese Medicine? Interested in Mind, Body, Spirit Medicine? Fill out some info & join the wait list, and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you.